Resolutions 2015

Okay, so I’ve hemmed and hawed long enough. I wrote my list and since then did everything I could to talk my way out of most of it. Sure, I don’t have a ton of money or time to work on these projects so I have decided to scratch them. I want to commit to a damn resolution list and be done with it. So I’m just going to do it. In no particular order of importance or urgency here are 64 things I’d like to accomplish this year.

*side note: I’m picking 64 because there are 52 weeks in a year and 12 months so I should be able to accomplish one.25 things a week. *second side note: I’m weird, get used to it.
  1. Get picture of the kids taken at Picture People
  2. Send out Christmas cards for the first time in my life
  3. Organize Christmas ornaments and decorations
  4. make monthly meal plan and stick to it — for a whole month
  5. No spend month, if I don’t need it or owe it, it gets saved
  6. Set up all bills on auto-pay
  7. Set up all bills to be e-bills
  8. Buy coupon and random stuff bins
  9. Buy a new note book for daily to-do’s and use it page by page starting at the front
  10. Organize book shelf
  11. Hang shelves in nursery
  12. Reorganize outgrown baby clothes and maybe consign
  13. Finish painting woodwork in dining room
  14. Paint one room (any room) that needs it ceiling to baseboards
  15. Replace one light fixture
  16. Get a bigger pot for my house plant
  17. Seal holes and cracks with insulating foam
  18. Caulk upstairs windows
  19. Put door sweep on attic door
  20. Replace door sweep on back door
  21. Clean out attic
  22. Re-caulk tub upstairs
  23. Reorganize tall dresser
  24. Purge makeup
  25. Get gym membership
  26. Loose 40 lbs
  27. Give up soda
  28. No smoking
  29. Have a date night
  30. Keep growing hair out
  31. Keep up with nails
  32. Make money somehow
  33. Keep writing
  34. Invite someone over for dinner
  35. Go out with a friend
  36. Take baby to baby gym
  37. Take big kids bowling or to movies
  38. Go for walks with the baby
  39. Go to the park with baby
  40. Be a better disciplinarian
  41. Do an Apartment Therapy Cure as it happens
  42. Hang up more pictures
  43. Hang up house numbers
  44. Don’t be a push over
  45. Take a weekend trip
  46. Plant ornamental grass
  47. Buy another houseplant
  48. Wash slipcovers
  49. Purge clothes
  50. Write better
  51. Set up my blog fully
  52. Do a load of wash a day
  53. Clean the kitchen fully before going to bed
  54. Rest when I need it
  55. Use time wisely
  56. Spend one on one time with girl
  57. Spend one on one time with boy
  58. Be proud of myself
  59. Don’t beat to hard on myself
  60. Express gratitude and thoughtfulness
  61. Take more pictures
  62. Be genuine
  63. Worry less
  64. Be happy

Okay, so there is my list of resolutions and I’m sticking to it. I’ll write about each one. Some may be on going as I’m trying to remove and add habits. These are pretty good, challenging but attainable. Wish me luck!

Oh Yeah, Let’s Blow Curfew!

It’s a day before break ends and I’ve slept until 8am. I’m going to have a hell of a time getting up tomorrow. I’ve gone from waking up at 5:30am only a week ago to this. I was up until about 1am last night though, which is very uncommon. I’m usually passed out by 9. I wish I could say I was doing something exciting. I wasn’t. I was up worrying about the children of the corn who both separately decided that their curfews didn’t apply last night for whatever reason.

These fucking kids are on my last nerve. At least the boy let me know when he’d be home — despite me telling him no. He was home when he said he would be. My daughter on the other hand ignored my calls and texts asking where she was. When she did finally come home her boyfriend was in her company. She asks all the time if he can sleep here and I always tell her absolutely not. Once he did and I didn’t flip my shit when I found him here but was not nice about it. I was fully expecting to find him down in the living room, or worse — in her room, when I woke up this am but he wasn’t. I don’t know when he left. I am still super pissed.

So what to do?
This part always trips me up. I usually am just so relieved that they are home and safe that I don’t address the issue.. Obviously this hasn’t (or won’t) fix the problem.

My son will be easy to deal with. I’ll just tell probation and he can deal with the consequences. They assigned him a 9pm curfew and the only way to get his attention is to get them involved. Maybe he’ll get a few more hours of community service. I don’t know but for once in my life dealing with that boy is somewhat easy.

My daughter.. Hmm.. I feel like I need to get creative when I am dealing with her and it’s somewhat exhausting. She just got a new phone from her Dad for Christmas. Since she decided to not use it to let me know she’d be late and made me worry excessively I’ll take that from her for a week. I’ll reset the wi-fi too because I know she has ipads and ipods hidden and won’t care about the phone if she can still get on-line. So no phone or internet for the week. The creative twist: make her clean the bathroom. Quite frankly it needs to be done and I don’t feel like doing it. She’ll hate that.

Surprisingly, this was the only issue (I think) I’ve had with them during the 12 days they were off. Seriously, that’s impressive. Like really impressive. I was expecting similar things to happen nightly but they didn’t. Maybe they are getting better about taking my rules more seriously. Maybe there just wasn’t much going on this week. In any case, it was a good 2 weeks with the exception of last night. We will see how this punishment pans out. I know the girl is going to have a million excuses and fight with me about what she gets. And the boy will just hate my guts for ratting him out. Oh well, learn your fucking lessons.